Sunday 27 October 2013

Chocolate: My Sweet Sin

    I love the chocolate!!!! I think I am crazy for this. I like the chocolate in all their versions, like as: black chocolate, white chocolate or chocolate with milk. Also I like all kind of sweets or desserts that have chocolate, my favorites are: candy, cookies, brownie, chocolate volcano cakes, ice cream, chocolate cake, fondue and an endless more. Sometime I prepare some of these in my home and my family and I love them. I know that eat lots of chocolate can fatten, so I try to control myself, but sometimes I can not. What else I can do, this is my sweet sin.

Sunday 20 October 2013

If I Win the Lottery!!!

If I win the lottery I would buy many things. First thing would be to invest some money in shares of an important company. This would be a way to make my money keeps growing. Seconds, I would like to change my apartment for other more big one and same with my car. I would love a penthouse with balcony and a beautiful view to the city. Also I would like to help my family with some things that they need. Finally, I would help other persons or institutions that need help. I know about a lot of foundations and organizations that helps people, children and animals and this would be a good way I could collaborate with others. Definitely, there are many things I could do and buy if I win the lottery.


Tuesday 15 October 2013

Nothing Better Like Spring

I love spring, for me nothing better like spring. I have to start telling that my birthday is in spring, so I am always happy when this spectacular season is coming. I love to see all the beautiful colors in the nature, flowers and trees, and feel the warm sun. One of the things that I like at this season is go to the beach. I like to take the sun, swimming and relax me, so I usually go to the beach with my family or my friends two or three time a month. Other thing that I do in spring is practice outdoor exercises. I like walking, jogging, bicycling and any other sport where you can enjoy outdoor. Finally I feel that everyone is in a good mood and happy with the arrival of spring. For example many people want to do BBQ, make meeting, go to the parties, make plans to travel, go to the shopping, teachers and students like to take classes in the gardens  and a lot of activities more. In summary, spring is a good season for sharing with your friends and family, enjoy making different things and exercises, and of course do not forget, to celebrate my birthday!!!. For all these reason spring it is my favorite season of year.



Sunday 6 October 2013

Margarita Island the Best Place to Live

Margarita Island in Venezuela is an amazing place and I would like to say you why I think is the best place to live. First reason is because Margarita is one of the principal tourist attractive in Venezuela and has a lot beautiful places for visit. In Margarita you can go to beaches, mountain, mangroves¹, castles, shopping malls, attractions parks, museums, casinos, night clubs and much more interesting places, you never will feel boring. Second reason is food because you can find a variety of fresh food markets and an endless restaurants. As be an island, some of more important food products that have Margarita are the fishes, lobster and all related with sea food, and of course the food always is fresh. If you prefer to eat outside you can visit a lot of good restaurants from high gourmet food, others cheaper or to the popular food stalls in the streets, but all these with typical and international food and good services. Finally but not less important, their people. I love the people in Margarita, the commonly called Margariteño² is super friendly and receptive, always has a good humor sense. The people in Margarita make that you feel as your home. One day I will live in Margarita, this is my dream, I can´t to think in a better place than not be Margarita to live.

¹ Mangroves: A tree or shrub that grows in muddy, chiefly tropical coastal swamps.
² Margariteño: People native or habitant of Margarita Island in Venezuela.