Sunday 24 November 2013

Games of Before vs Games of Now

   When I was child my favorite video game was Mortal Kombat. This video game is about heavy fighting between warriors and monsters that fight to the death, therefore it´s violent. All the characters were amazing and each one have special powers. In this play always you need an opponent, so sometime you could play with a partner or also play against the computer. The video game Mortal Kombat was so famous that a few time after came the film Mortal Kombat for all their fans. Today I don´t play more Mortal Combat because now I prefer other kind of games especially board games as: Scrabble, Sudoku, Solitaire and Candy Crush. These board game are very different than before because now you don't need a paper or table to play, you can play by phone, computer, ipad or tablet. Consequently, you can see how the games have been improving and adapting to new technologies.

1 comment:

  1. There are more ways for people to play games these days, but that also makes it easier to waste time! Many people spend too much time playing games on Facebook or on their phones.

    All the characters were amazing and each one has special powers.

    Today I don´t play Mortal Kombat anymore because now I prefer other kind of games, especially board games such as Scrabble, Sudoku, Solitaire and Candy Crush.
