Sunday 3 November 2013

Crimes Online: These Don´t Need a Gun for Steal You

       Since a few years crimes online have come growing up.  This kind of modality is presented in several ways, for example: Receive fake emails of your bank asking about your information, email from an unknown person offering you a much money through a transfer online, fake web pages of sales of product or banks that look like at the original, among others. The strategy is make that you give them your account or credit card information and then they can steal your money easily. The recommendation is sure that the email really is from your bank, never answer email with your personal information and try to access to web pages of your bank without use Internet search engines. Remember they don´t need a gun for steal you, their main weapon is to make falling you into the trap.


1 comment:

  1. Excellent advice! Even in my work email account, I get suspicious emails asking for my account information at least once a week. People have to be very careful so they don't become victims of identity theft.

    For the past few years, online crimes have been increasing.

    Remember, they don't need a gun to rob you; their main weapon is to make you fall into the trap.
